About this Mobile...

The Tri-Lumen "OCEAN" is designed for larger ceiling spaces. The colorization is achieved by air brushing onto a translucent white Nylon fabric that is adhered to the black Aluminum framing allowing light to pass through enhance the vivid colors.
All the vanes move independently. Signed and dated by Joel Hotchkiss. assembly (instructions included) 36"H x 60"W. For interiors only.
This mobile is also available in the larger TRI-ALUMENA ($1275) approximately 7.5' across and in the Grand Tri-Lumen ($3500) approximately 10' across. The armatures on both larger mobiles are heavier than the regular Tri-Lumen arms. Please call us Directly at 413-232-0200 or email us at Joel@artmobiles.com if you are interested in the larger mobile options.
Alexander Calder made the mobile art form popular and was inspired by Joan Miro using bright, bold colors during the Mid Century Modern or Retro period of the 20th century. Now contemporary mobiles are used in a wide range of interior design venues.